Diagnosing wierd widget installation issue

I had a customer report a widget (plugin) installation issue to me. They had clients being unable to install a widget (and hence a plugin) from an update site on our servers (external to their network). The error was reported as below:

Unable to access "http://<host>/site.xml".
Contains: Error parsing site stream. [White spaces are
   required between publicId and systemId.]

The issue turned out to be caused by a firewall issue and hence wrongly reported in the log. The issue was solved by relocating the update site to the customers network.

Developing an Eclipse plug-in from start to finish

Ryan Baxter from IBM who I had the honor of co-presenting with at Lotusphere just published a new article on the appdev wiki titled Developing an Eclipse plug-in from start to finish. The article takes you step-by-step through building a nice plugin and uses the Eclipse WindowBuilder (GUI editor) for taking the hassle out of building the UI.

A very nice Friday read.

March Lotus Technical Information and Education (LTIE) community meeting

If you’re interested in plugin development and the recently published RedWiki on plugin development for Lotus Notes, Sametime and Symphony (easy url is http://bit.ly/pluginredwiki) be sure to join us for the March March Lotus Technical Information and Education (LTIE) community meeting. The conference call will be on 22 March at 10am Central Time (10am Eastern, 3pm CET).

For more info head over to the Lotus Technical Information and Education wiki on Lotus Greenhouse (look under “When we meet” at the bottom of the page).

Bob Balfe: plugin_customization.ini and Eclipse preferences

Bob has, once again, written a very nice post on his blog. This time it’s on plugin preferences and how the plugin_customization.ini file fits in and where Eclipse preferences are stored. As this is common cause of concern and questions from plugin developers and admins I wanted to point to the post.

Bob Balfe: plugin_customization.ini and Eclipse preferences

How to extend Notes 8: New version of the demo application

I just posted an update to the demo application for my Extending Notes 8 series of posts. The demo application is discussed in more detail in my previous post (How to extend Notes 8: LiveText demo application). The issue was that I had a button to create a demo e-mail in the UI which made the plugin depend on the Notes Java UI API which was added in Notes 8.5.1 and hence meant that the demo application wasn’t installable on previous Notes versions… 😦

To remedy that I built an new version where the button using the offending API is added from an Eclipse plugin fragment and using a custom extension point (if you’re running Notes 8.5.1+). More on that approach at a later date. For now you may install the new version using the updated widget descriptor (extension.xml) (simply drag the link to your MyWidgets sidebar plugin).

If you do an update – which there’s absolutely no reason to if it already works for you – the only way to tell is by verifying that the version number at the bottom of the sidebar application is changed to 1.0.1.

That’s all for this post. All the posts in the series may be found under the extending_notes8 tag.

How to extend Notes 8: LiveText demo application

The day before yesterday I posted the first summary post in my Extending Notes 8 series with a complete end-to-end approach to dynamically adding LiveTex recognizers. As part of that post I uploaded a demo application (plugin) but I didn’t add a screenshot so I thought I’d remedy that.

As you can see the plugin has a small welcome text and two buttons. You’ll also see a textbox to hold any exception (not that I’m expecting any) that might be raised as part of adding the recognizer and content type. You may use the two buttons to easily create a demo e-mail for use with the added LiveText stuff. The left button creates the e-mail in the UI (using the new handy Java UI classes) and the right one simply sends the e-mail to you in the backend. The latter is very handy for testing as the e-mail needs to be in read mode for the LiveText sub-system to kick in.

I’ve put a compiled version of the plugin on my update site and tthe plugin may be installed by dragging this extension.xml file to your MyWidgets sidebar panel (policy permitting).

That’s all for this post. All the posts in the series may be found under the extending_notes8 tag.

How to extend Notes 8: case insensitive LiveText patterns

When you start to do a lot of LiveText recognizers you find yourself wanting to do more advanced stuff with your regular expressions. For instance you might want to do case insensitive patterns or use some of the others regular expression modifiers. This post will show you how to do this.

By default the regular expressions you specify for your recognizers are case sensitive. This is normally fine unless you really want it to be case insensitive. Since the LiveText engine is in Java you may use the supported Java modifiers for your regular expressions. Normally the modifiers are specified when you “compile the pattern” in Java (java.util.regex.Pattern.compile(pattern, modifiers)) but as you don’t have access to this process you can’t do that.

There is however another way…

You can embed some modifiers in the pattern such as Pattern.MULTILINE, Pattern.UNICODE_CASE, Pattern.DOTALL and most of all Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE! You embed the modifier in the start of the pattern. So instead of doing a case insensitive pattern like this (to recognizer “lotus” and “Lotus”):


you do


Cool isn’t it?

The following modifiers are supported in Java though not all makes sense for LiveText:

  • Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE = (?i)
  • Pattern.MULTILINE = (?m)
  • Pattern.DOTALL = (?s)
  • Pattern.UNICODE_CASE = (?u)

Please bear in mind that it probably only makes sense to use DOTALL and CASE_INSENSITIVE.

That’s all for this post. All the posts in the series may be found under the extending_notes8 tag.

How to extend Notes 8: dynamic LiveText recognizers using Java

As I briefly described in my last post (“How to extend Notes 8: dynamic extensions using Java“) it’s possible to create new extensions to Lotus Notes using Java and hence inject functionality into the client dynamically. It’s very cool functionality and it allows you to inject anything from content types and recognizers to sidebar panels.

In this post I’ll build on three previous posts and show you how to use dynamic extensions in Lotus Notes in combination with a Java action that uses multiple capture groups for an end-to-end solution that may be deployed as a single Java extension (aka plugin). The result is a plugin that may be deployed to a client workstations which allows you to act on text recognized by the LiveText sub-system but where you have the power of Java for processing.

All the posts in the series may be found under the extending_notes8 tag.

We need three pieces of information:

  1. The code to dynamically inject our custom recognizer and content type into Lotus Notes without the need for an extension.xml file. This is what the LiveText sub-system uses to highlight the text for us.
  2. The Java action to act on the LiveText selection.
  3. The plugin.xml file to bind it all together.

The first piece is the code that injects the custom recognizer and content type under a known id. This code may be run in lots of ways but to make it easy for this example I choose a sidebar panel. Below is the createPartControl-method from that class.

public void createPartControl(final Composite parent) {
  try {
    // define XML
    final String extensionXml = ...;

    // get extension registry and load extension
    // into registry
    final IExtensionRegistry reg = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
    InputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(extensionXml.getBytes());
    Bundle bundle = Activator.getDefault().getBundle();
    IContributor contr = ContributorFactoryOSGi.createContributor(bundle);
    reg.addContribution(ins, contr, false, null, null, null);

  } catch (Throwable t) {

The above code injects the recognizer and content type with an id of DCCT.ExampleContentType.1234567890 into the client.

The next part we need is the action class (again implementing org.eclipse.ui.IObjectActionDelegate) to act on the LiveText selection. Most of the code you’ve seen before in a previous post but again it goes and get the text from the underlying document as document properties.

public void selectionChanged(IAction action, ISelection selection) {
   IDocumentContent doc = null;

   // cast/adapt selection
   if (selection instanceof StructuredSelection) {
      Object sel = ((StructuredSelection)selection).getFirstElement();
      if (sel instanceof IDocumentContent) {
         doc = (IDocumentContent)sel;
   } else if (selection instanceof IDocumentContent) {
      doc = (IDocumentContent)selection;
   } else {
      // try and adapt
      IAdapterManager amgr = Platform.getAdapterManager();
      doc = (IDocumentContent)amgr.getAdapter(selection,
   if (null == doc) {
      this.contents = null;
      this.prodFamily = null;
      this.partNumber = null;

   // get data from document property
   this.contents = doc.getProperties().getProperty("contents");
   this.prodFamily = doc.getProperties().getProperty("pf");
   this.partNumber = doc.getProperties().getProperty("pn");

The last piece is the plugin.xml to put it all together using the org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point. Notice how we use the content type id we know (bold text below) from our dynamically deployed content type.

      label="Do me!">

The result when deployed to a Lotus Notes client is something like the screenshot below where you get a Java action to act on a LiveText recognition. Only change this time is that all the functionality is provided from your plugin. No separate extension.xml is necessary for the recognizer or the content type.

That’s how it’s done. I’ve uploaded an Eclipse project to the blog so you can download it and install it in your Eclipse as a demo. You can download the project here.

How to extend Notes 8: dynamic extensions using Java

I get so many question on how to extend Notes 8 that I finally decided to create a series of blog posts on how to do it. All the posts in the series may be found under the extending_notes8 tag. In all of the examples I assume a working knowledge of Eclipse and Java programming and how to work with extension points.

As I briefly mentioned in my last post (“How to extend Notes 8: capture group LiveText recognizers with a Java action“) it’s possible to create new extensions to Lotus Notes using Java and hence inject functionality into the client dynamically. It’s very cool functionality and it allows you to inject anything from content types and recognizers to sidebar panels. I’ve used this a lot previously and also demoed it in my “How dynamic are your Notes sidebar plugins?” demo. Watch the Flash video and see how you can make sidebar panels come and go on demand.

Now on to the code…

The trick to dynamic extensions is to inject extensions into the Extension Registry at runtime. The Extension Registry is where Eclipse reads the plugin contributions from plugin.xml files into at startup. If we inject an extension, and the receiving plugins are set up to handle dynamically adding extensions you are golden. Let me show you have to use the Extension Registry.

final String extensionXml = ...;
final IExtensionRegistry reg = Platform.getExtensionRegistry();
InputStream ins = new ByteArrayInputStream(extensionXml.getBytes());
Bundle bundle = Activator.getDefault().getBundle();
IContributor contr = ContributorFactoryOSGi.createContributor(bundle);
reg.addContribution(ins, contr, false, null, null, null);

The code does the following:

  1. Defines the extension XML to add (more on this later).
  2. Gets the extension registry from the platform.
  3. Reads the extension XML into an input stream.
  4. Retrieves the bundle.
  5. Creates a new contributor that is the object that makes the contribution to the extension registry.
  6. Adds the contribution to the registry.

So what is the extension XML mentioned above?

The extension XML is the XML that defines the extension you’re adding. It’s actually any piece of XML you would stick in your plugin.xml file either manually or using the UI editor. An example could be a custom recognizer and content type as shown below as a snippet from Java.

final String extensionXml = "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>" +
"<?eclipse version="3.2"?>" +
"<plugin>" +
"<extension id="DCR.ExampleRecognizer.%s"
   point="com.ibm.rcp.annotation.regex.regexTypes">" +
"<regexTypes contentTypeId="DCCT.ExampleContentType.%s"
   id="DCR.ExampleRecognizer.%s" match="([A-Z]{4})-(\d{4})"
   name="Example Recognizer">" +
"<group contentTypePropertyId="pn" number="2"/>" +
"<group contentTypePropertyId="pf" number="1"/>" +
"<group contentTypePropertyId="contents" number="0"/>" +
"</regexTypes>" +
"</extension>" +
"<extension id="DCCT.ExampleContentType.%s"
   point="com.ibm.rcp.content.contentTypes">" +
"<contentSet>" +
"<type category="Recognized Content"
   name="Example Content Type">" +
"<property description="Entire Contents" id="contents"/>" +
"<property description="Product Family" id="pf"/>" +
"<property description="Part Number" id="pn"/>" +
"</type>" +
"</contentSet>" +
"</extension>" +

That’s how you do it. Tomorrow I’ll show how to combine it with our custom recognizer and content type to inject it dynamically into the LiveText system in Lotus Notes. Stay tuned…