Salesforce Headless Identity Login Example

This week I helped a colleague doing an example of how to use the Salesforce Headless Login flow from a single page app (SPA). The Github repo describes how to configure the Salesforce org (a scratch org) and how to use the included SPA – just a super simple HTML page really – to do a headless login against the Salesforce org. The login uses PKCE to further secure the exchange. Once the login has been performed the obtained access token is used to get information about the user from the /services/oauth2/userinfo endpoint.


Salesforce Token Exchange Flow

I’ve spent some time with the new token exchange flow in Salesforce. The flow allows you to write and configure an Apex handler in Salesforce that can validate an incoming token (say an access_token, JWT or proprietary token) from another Identity Provider (think Okta, Auth0 or any custom implementation) in Salesforce and return a Salesforce access token that can be used towards Salesforce for API access. This can simplify the integration scenario for micro services or other apps as access can be granted based on an already proved identity. The returned Salesforce access token is then used for API access as the Apex handler also maps the incoming token to a user in Salesforce – the user may optionally be created on the fly.

I captured my findings, wrote instructions on how to implement wrote an example implementation in a Github repo.

As an interesting aside, the metadata type for the OAuth Token Exchange Handler is not yet supported with the “new” source format so it has to be deployed with the old school metadata API and format (still using the CLI though).

Video walkthru for the Salesforce Azure client_credentials Auth. Provider

Based on a number of comments I’ve added a video walkthru for the Azure Client Credentials Auth. Provider I have available on Github. The video is hosted on Youtube and besides a description of the elements used shows pushing the source to Salesforce, configuring the Auth. Provider in Salesforce as well as configuring the App Registration on Microsoft Azure.

See the post for the Auth. Provider (Custom Salesforce Auth. Provider for Microsoft Azure client_credentials flow) for a link to Github.

Custom Salesforce Auth. Provider for Microsoft Azure client_credentials flow

When doing integrations from Salesforce you sometimes need to do this using single identity instead as in the context of the current user. Salesforce supports both through Named Credentials i.e. both working as the current user or as a Named Principal. Through the Named Credentials and Auth. Provider concepts from Salesforce you can setup a connection between Salesforce and an OAuth 2.0 enabled endpoint such as Microsoft Azure i.e. if needing the access the Microsoft Graph API. This can however be an issue as the target system (i.e. Microsoft Azure in this case) may not use a user that is able to login or you may not want to use a user license in the target system.

In this case you might want to use the client_credentials OAuth flow as that identifies the caller using a client_id and a client_secret instead of a user id. Unfortunately that OAuth flow type is not supported out-of-the-box with Salesforce. The reason is that the Auth. Providers in Salesforce usually deals with a user behind the keyboard. Due to this the OAuth 2.0 Auth. Provider flows was designed for a access_token / refresh_token World. This makes it impossible to use the built in capabilities for the client_credentials flow.

The solution is to write a custom Auth. Provider in Apex and use that from your Named Credential. To make this easier I’ve already implemented this for you. The code is available on Github in my salesforce-azure-clientcredentials-authprovider repo. This implementation just plays along with the access_token / refresh_token requirements and just requests a new access_token using the client_credentials flow whenever a (new) access_token is needed and hence do not need a user behind the keyboard.

The in the repo has instructions for installing and configuring the code in the org. Once deployed you can create an Auth. Provider and a Named Credential. Please note you also need to create an App Registration in Azure Active Directory with the required Application Permissions.

2 legged vs 3 legged OAuth

Had a question come in from a customer that centered around understanding the difference between 2 legged and 3 legged OAuth so I thought I would write a little about it. I short 2 legged and 3 legged OAuth refers to the number of players involved in the OAuth dance but let’s explain each.

3 legged OAuth is used when you as a user wants to allow an application (i.e. Salesforce) to access a service (i.e. Azure) on your behalf without the application (Salesforce knowing your credentials for the service (Azure). This is accomplished by me (the user) being redirected by the application (Salesforce) to the service (Azure) where I log in directly, I obtain a code that the application (Salesforce) can use to obtain an access token for the service (Azure) out of band (i.e. the application contacts the service directly). Key is that I the user am involved because I need to authenticate to the service (Azure) and the application is afterwards able to impersonate me towards the service.

2 legged OAuth is used when an application needs to access a service using a service account (e.g. an App Registration as it’s called in Azure). The key here is that the application has all the information it needs to authenticate to the service. In 2 legged OAuth the application makes a single call to the service to basically exchange credentials (username/password, client_id/client_secret, Json Web Token (JWT)) for an access token. As an aside there is usually no way to get a refresh token issued in a 2 legged OAuth dance which is fair as the application could just perform the 2 legged OAuth dance again to get a new access token hence no need for a refresh token.

Looking back towards Salesforce and Named Credentials which is the way we recommend customers manage credentials for accessing services outside Salesforce. In Named Credentials you can use 3 legged OAuth if you selected “OAuth 2.0” for “Authentication Protocol” and 2 legged OAuth if you select “JWT” for “Authentication Protocol”.

Utility to generate JWT’s for use with Salesforce

Whenever you work with Json Web Tokens (JWT’s) generating them for testing is always a hassle as they usually are required to expire quite quickly (like in the order of minutes). To make that easier I wrote a small utility in node.js to generate JWT’s compatible with the Salesforce OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow.

Code is on Github at


Using the inbound OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Flow in Salesforce

If working with JWT’s for use with the inbound OAuth 2.0 JWT Bearer Token Flow you need to import a public key and a certificate to validate the signature of the JWT when calling into Salesforce. This is done on the Connected App and the import supports binary DER-format and the plain text PEM-format.

Once you’ve created your Connected App, check “Enable OAuth Settings” and under “Use digital signatures” import the certificate (PEM or DER format) to use to validate the signature of the JWT.

Using the actual flow requires you set the Consumer Key as the issuer (“iss”), the username of the user to act as, as the subject (“sub”) and the login-url as the audience (“aud”). The login-url will be, or a community url.

To make it easier to work with and test I’ve created a node.js console app that allows you to generate JWT’s that are compatible with Salesforce. The code is on Github at

Exchanging the JWT for an access_token is as below setting the grant_type to urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer and specifying the signed JWT using the assertion-parameter:

POST /services/oauth2/token HTTP/1.1
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded


Using an Auth. Provider and Named Credentials in Salesforce with Azure OAuth

Please note: When I refer to “Azure” below I’m referring to Microsoft Azure, the cloud product from Microsoft.

Please note: If you know all about why Auth. Providers and Named Credentials are great and simply wanna know about how to use them with Microsoft Azure feel free to skip down to “How does it apply to Azure”.

All this started some time back when I was at a customer showing how to integrate with Salesforce and call other API’s from Salesforce. In Salesforce we have a great concept called Authentication Providers (“Auth. Provider”) that handles the underlying authentication protocol such as OAuth 2.0. Auth. Providers may be used to provide Single-Sign-On in Communities (our portals) or with Named Credentials. The latter is a way to externalize authentication from a piece of code or functionality. So if I need to call an external API from Apex (our Java-like programming language) I can simply do something like the code below:

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);

As you can see there is nothing here about authentication. Nor is there anything around the actual URL being called. That information is externalized into a Named Credential called My_NamedCredential in this case. The only part I specify is the specific path of the API I’m referring to (here “/accounts/list”). This is great for development as it makes it easier for me the developer but it’s also easier to admins moving changes between environments as the endpoint and credential management is externalized as setup for the org. It means it’s easy to change credentials and endpoints between development, test, QA and production. Awesome!

Setting this up is pretty easy as well and is done in 3 steps:

  1. Start by setting up the Auth. Provider by specifying your client_id (we call it the “Consumer Key”), the client_secret (we call it the “Consumer Secret”), the Authorization endpoint and the token endpoint. The last two you get from your provider – in this case Azure. For now with version 2 of their identity platform they will be<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize and<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/token respectively (replace <tenant> with your tenant id).
  2. Now create a Named Credential specifying the root URL you would like to call against in the “URL” field. For “Identity Type” select “Named Principal” to use the same credentials across the org or “Per User” to use user specific credentials and set “Authentication Protocol” to “OAuth 2.0”. In “Authentication Provider” select the provider we created above set the scope to use.
  3. Now use the Named Credential as discussed above.

Now let’s discuss what’s special about Azure.

How does it apply to Azure?

Above I was intentionally pretty loose when discussing the scope to set in the Named Credentials. The reason is that this is quite specific when dealing with Azure.

In Azure an access token is actually a Json Web Token (JWT, which is a standardized token format containing signed claims that may be verified by the recipient. The payload in a JWT access token from Azure could look like this:

  "aud": "2dd1b05d-8b45-4aba-9181-c24a6f568955",
  "iss": "",
  "iat": 1573811923,
  "nbf": 1573811923,
  "exp": 1573815823,
  "aio": "42VgYJj0Zt3RXQIblViYGkuiHs9dAQA=",
  "appid": "32c0ba71-04f4-4b3a-a317-1f1febd5fc22",
  "appidacr": "1",
  "idp": "",
  "oid": "394e0c1a-0992-42e7-9875-3b04786147ca",
  "sub": "394e0c1a-0992-42e7-9875-3b04786147ca",
  "tid": "e84c365f-2f35-8c7d-01b4-c3412514f42b",
  "uti": "ESAOZDPFeEydSYxohgsRAA",
  "ver": "1.0"

Here the important piece is the “aud” claim as it contains the ID of the application or API on Azure the token is valid for. In this case it’s for an App Registration in Azure.

When we deal with OAuth providers we might be used to deal with standard OpenID Connect scopes like openid, email, profile and offline_access. For Azure which is much more of a generic platform the scope we specify is used to indicate what application we are requesting access to. In Azure the issued access token is specific to the application we request access to and we can only request access for a single application at a time which have some implications:

  1. If you request an access token for an application (App Registration in Azure) the access token is valid for that application only
  2. The access token is not valid for other API’s like the Microsoft Graph
  3. If you do not request an access token for a specific application Azure issues you an access token for the Microsoft Graph API

This may be obvious but it caused me quite some troubleshooting.

OAuth scopes in Azure

When you request an access token from Azure you must specify what API you intend to use it for. There are two versions of the OAuth endpoints (v1 and v2) – in version 1 you use a resource-parameter to indicate the target application to Azure. In version 2 this has been standardized and is now using the standard scope-parameter. It also means that scope is now not simply the OpenID Connect standard scopes (such as openid, offline_access) or the application specific scopes i.e. from Microsoft Graph but is also used to indicate the API you are requesting access to i.e. an App Registration.

Now to the fun, the stuff you just need to know and the stuff which is easy enough to find if you know what to Google for…

Specifying the URI of an App Registration is the scope is not enough. You have to add a scope to the Application URI and unless you’ve defined a custom scope for your app you should use “.default”. So if your App Registration has an URI of “api://2dd1b05d-8b45-4aba-9181-c24a6f568955” use “2dd1b05d-8b45-4aba-9181-c24a6f568955/.default” as the scope. If you’ve registed custom scopes for an application those may be used in place of .default but you cannot combine .default with more specific scopes. Also using specific scopes are also restricted in use for certain OAuth flows due to the way delegated permissions work in Azure. But that’s for another time.

Using the client_credentials grant type (works somewhat like the Salesforce username/password OAuth flow) this becomes a POST like the one below. Please note that the Azure tenant_id is both in the URL and a parameter in the POST body:

POST /f84c375f-3f35-4d9d-93b3-c4216511f87a/oauth2/v2.0/token HTTP/1.1
 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
 Content-Length: XYZ
 Connection: close

The response is a JSON document with an access_token (a JWT which may then be used as a Bearer token):


When using Azure with Salesforce I would recommend using version 2 of the OAuth endpoints as Salesforce Auth. Providers and Named Credentials do not have a way to send custom parameters without resorting to writing a custom Auth. Provider implementation. This means there is no standard way to send the “resource” parameter to the version 1 OAuth endpoint.

What scopes should I specify in Salesforce?

When you create your Auth. Provider or Named Credentials specify the scopes you need from Azure. My personal preference is to specify the scopes on the Auth. Provider when using it for Single-Sign-On and specifying the scopes on the Named Credentials when using it for API access. One thing to note again is that an access token is for one API only and that an access token for a custom application will not work for the Microsoft Graph as well.

Lesson learned: You should not specify the UserInfo endpoint on the Auth. Provider in Salesforce unless it’s used for Single-Sign-On AND you are not specifying an App Registration in the Scopes-field.

If you specify an “App Registration scope” in the Scopes-field and specify the UserInfo endpoint Salesforce will attempt to read from the UserInfo endpoint following successful authentication using the obtained access token which will fail because the access token is only valid for the intended API and not for the Microsoft Graph.

Feel free to add other standard OpenID Connect scopes for Auth. Providers for Single-Sign-On. For most uses you would want to specify the offline_access scope as it ensures your Auth. Provider or Named Credential receives a refresh token.

Calling API’s protected by Azure API Management (APIM)

So far so good. Now you can obtain access tokens and use them with Azure Function Apps or read from the Microsoft Graph. But what if you need to access API’s hosed in Azure API Management (APIM)? Well read on…

In Azure API Management API’s are governed by subscriptions and you need to specify a subscription ID when calling into the API. The subscriptions map into users which are different from the ones in Azure AD. I’m not really sure why this is the case but I’m sure there are reasons.

The subscription ID you should use would be supplied by the people managing the API and is a GUID like string. When you call the API be sure to supply it using the “Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key”-header. Failing to supply the subscription ID will result in an error like the one below:

{"statusCode": 401,   
"message": "Access denied due to missing subscription key. Make sure to include subscription key when making requests to an API."}

Putting all the above together to POST to an API behind Azure API Management using Apex would be something like the below using a Named Credentials called “My_NamedCredential”:

HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key', '7f9ed...1d6e8');
req.setBody('Hello, Salesforce, World!');
Http http = new Http();
HTTPResponse res = http.send(req);

As always… YMMV!

Populating the user object with passport.js and Salesforce OAuth

Using passport.js is a great option for doing authentication in node.js applications with great strategies for authenticating through just about anything on the planet including Salesforce. Using passport.js with Salesforce involves using the OAuth2Strategy but the user object in the session is not usable really as I really want actual information about the user to be there. The solution I came up with was overriding the userProfile-method and adding a call to the Salesforce userinfo endpoint as shown below.

// configure authentication using oauth2
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
    done(null, user.username);
passport.deserializeUser(function(login, done) {
    done(undefined, {
        "username": login

OAuth2Strategy.prototype.userProfile = function(accessToken, done) {
    this._oauth2.get(`https://${process.env.SF_LOGIN_URL || ""}/services/oauth2/userinfo`, accessToken, function (err, body, res) {
        if (err) { return done(new InternalOAuthError('Failed to fetch user profile', err)); }
        try {
            let json = JSON.parse(body);
            let profile = {
                "provider": "",
                "username": json.preferred_username,
                "firstname": json.given_name,
                "lastname": json.family_name,
                "payload": json
            done(null, profile);
        } catch(e) {

passport.use(new OAuth2Strategy({
        authorizationURL: `https://${process.env.SF_LOGIN_URL || ""}/services/oauth2/authorize`,
        tokenURL: `https://${process.env.SF_LOGIN_URL || ""}/services/oauth2/token`,
        clientID: process.env.SF_CLIENT_ID,
        clientSecret: process.env.SF_CLIENT_SECRET,
        callbackURL: process.env.SF_CALLBACK_URL
    function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {
        cb(undefined, profile);

The interesting piece is really the code in bold where I inject a call to /services/oauth2/userinfo to get information about the user and then add that as the user object.

Of course after having done all this I found passport-salesforce which is a strategy that does exactly the same thing – duh!!! Anyways it was fun to code it up.