Scratch org with Salesforce Event Monitoring

Note to self – scratch org definition file to create a scratch org with Event Monitoring enabled. This is a super easy way to quickly spin up an org with Event Monitoring for testing or development. As always the trick is to know the feature and the settings to avoid the manual setup.

  "orgName": "foo",
  "edition": "Developer",
  "country": "US",
  "features": ["EventLogFile", "PersonAccounts"],
  "settings": {
    "lightningExperienceSettings": {
      "enableS1DesktopEnabled": true
    "mobileSettings": {
      "enableS1EncryptedStoragePref2": false
    "eventSettings": {
      "enableEventLogGeneration": true,
      "enableTransactionSecurityPolicies": true,
      "enableDeleteMonitoringData": true,
      "enableLoginForensics": true,
      "enableStreamingApi": true,
      "enableTerminateOldestSession": true,
      "enableDynamicStreamingChannel": false,
      "bypassMeteringBlock" :false

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