Adding myself back into a Salesforce Community

Playing around with Salesforce Communities I accidentally removed my own profile from the Members of the Community. This in effect locked me out of administering the Community in that I couldn’t access the Builder or the Workspaces. Bummer! What to do? Now this was a test environment and I was the only user in the org so not exactly critical but I wanted to remember the way I got back in.

As I had full administrator rights to the org I could use the NetworkMemberGroup object to add myself (or rather the Profile I was mapped to) back into the Community. Now this cannot be done from Apex so it has to be done using the REST API, Data Loader or similar. I opted for the REST API approach.

To do this simply POST to the object as you would any other object passing in the networkId (the ID of the Community) and the parentId (the ID of the Profile or Permission Set to grant access).

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: <length>
Authorization: Bearer <access_token>

{"networkId": "0DB3V000000blOT","parentId": "00e3V000000OkzG"}

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