Contributing to a developerWorks wiki

Today I entered the IBM wiki world by contributing to the Composite Application wiki over at developerWorks. It all started with me having to figure out how to add menu items to the menu of a sideshelf component. I found the answer in the wiki (for those interested it’s quite easy using the org.eclipse.ui.viewActions extension point). What I didn’t find was an example of how to programmatically add actions which I also needed so once I figured it out I added the information to the wiki. Programmatically adding actions is useful if you don’t know which actions to add at compile and/or deployment time.

So if you go to the page on creating sideshelf components you’ll find a section on programmatically adding actions.

I really like the idea of the wikis and I really feel good after having contributed. Get some, give some.

P.S.: I know I’m still way behind blogging on my holiday compared to Ed Brill… 🙂

8 thoughts on “Contributing to a developerWorks wiki”

  1. Boy stuff moves fast in the wiki world! 2 minutes after I edited the wiki the same document has been edited by another user because I made a typo in the code section (I wrote MessageDialogs and not MessageDialog). Wow!


  2. Hi Mikkel,

    Tried to create a sideshelf component by following your directions on the wiki, but I’m stuck at the point where I need to create a new view:

    "Right click the view extension and create a new view"

    The problem is that I simply do not have a right click  menu option to create a new  view.  When  I right click "org.eclipse.ui.views" I only have the following possibilities: New –> Generic, Extension.

    Any ideas?



  3. Well I didn’t write it all but yup – I got a suggestion. You have to go to the plugin.xml tab (or the plugin.xml file itself) and manually do the edit – Eclipse is sometimes a little crazy that way. I actually don’t think it’s possible to do it from the other interface at all. The WSDL for the extension point miss some info I think.

    Since your next question is probably what the plugin.xml should like afterwards I have inserted a complete example below.









  4. I posted the wrong extension… 😦 Here’s the right one.








        name="Some title"/>


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