An update on the RedWiki

The writing on the wiki is almost done and all chapters are of to review. I think IBM is shooting for a release by mid October. As to the code examples it has been decided that all code goes on OpenNTF for easy download and hosting using the recently announced SVN capabilities. This will also make it easier to control additions to the code base as the wiki hopefully continues to evolve.

7 thoughts on “An update on the RedWiki”

  1. Really looking forward to this. Been making good progress now on a sample rcp application after my initial configuration issues. Guys @ ibm were very helpful – I should really blog my issues and findings.

    Any sneak previews of content? Keen to see capabilities of extending notes / domino outwith the "sidebar". Drag and drop is something I am looking at too – anything there?


  2. Just the usual dragging documents (mail etc) to the sidebar – perhaps a folder that represents another notes database. Also the ability to use live text to send data to a database (or drag highlighted text) in a similar manner. Is it possible to drag or send just the attachment selected attachment in a mail file too?

    The standard desktop – what about listening for dragging files from the desktop or filesystem to the sidebar (or other RCP application).

    Keen to see how you extend other areas of the client / designer and also symphony. Also, would it be possible to build a stand alone rcp application that utilises the notes classes without launching full blown notes? I am guessing that is not possible…

    As an aside as a matter of interest are you doing any work on other RCP "platforms" (outwith Notes)?

    Out of the books I have been reading (and other help material online) it is very difficult to find particular pieces of documentation that apply to certain circumstances – of course then knitting it together with Notes is the other issue. I found that trial and error, getting up to speed with threading / UI issues with Notes RCP a bit of a black art but eclipse itself. Some basic java knowledge and javadocs seemed to enough for me. Your examples should be a big help.

    I am hoping the searchable wiki makes this easier.

    Sorry for the waffling post again – really looking forward to the wiki


  3. The anticipation is driving me nuts! I’ve been eagerly awaiting each Redbooks email listing new publications and looking at this blog, but I have yet to see that your wiki has been released. 

    Did I miss something somewhere?


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