TwitNotes – version 1.0.3 released

It’s been a while since version 1.0.2 of the TwitNotes plugin was released but the new version 1.0.3 is here now. All good things come to those who wait! 🙂 Installation instructions can be found here and update instructions can be found here.

The new version has a lot of new functionality that should make the plugin easier and more pleasant to use. The most noticeable new feature is probably that URL links are clickable and that you may now send direct tweets to other Twitters. This is however just the tip of the iceberg. A lot of code has been added due to the fact that some of the UI is custom painted to work around certain platform limitations. For a complete list of changes see below.

After you install version 1.0.3 from the update site you should see something like the below screenshot. Comments as always to the blog or by e-mail.


  • The message author name is now clickable to allow you to filter the list to this author
  • Twitter names in messages (e.g. @lekkim) are now recognized and clickable to filter the list of messages to messages by that user
  • Twitter names are right-clickable so you can
    • Start a new reply message to that user (start a new message with @<authorname>)
    • Start a new direct message to that user
    • Copy the name to the clipboard
  • URL links in messages are now clickable and will open in the default browser
  • URL links are right-clickable and can be copied to the clipboard
  • Hover text shown when hovering over clickable link
  • Added action in part menu to go with the above to reset the author filter
  • URL’s sent through TwitNotes are automatically converted to TinyUrls using
  • Right-click option to copy entire message to clipboard
  • Added direct message support to followers by adding “Direct!” button and drop-down with follow names
  • Added API for thirdparty contributions to detect clickable links and associated actions


  • Author images where image name has funky characters are fetched successfully
  • Submit area providers are now encapsulated in their own Composite to avoid their layout to affect the greater plugin layout
  • Tweet! button moved due to support for direct messages
  • Renamed “Refresh data” action in the part menu to “Update”

10 thoughts on “TwitNotes – version 1.0.3 released”

  1. Thank you for this, Mikkel, on a number of levels. 

    FIrst, because you’ve made it easier and even more fun to use Twitter. 

    Second, and I think more importantly, you’ve demonstrated in a superb and simple fashion, a number of extremely important concepts about Notes 8.

    You’ve shown how to use an update site to add a plug in, and you’ve shown how to use the accounts preferences.  And you’ve tied it all together with a down-to-earth set of instructions that just about anyone can follow.  This practical application exposes concepts that are difficult to explain without an example.

    Sheer genius!

    – Andy Pedisich


  2. Using Windows XP and Notes 8.0.1, I’m finding it almost impossible, to click on the hotspots.   The hover text gets in the way, and my cursor flickers back and forth from from the pointer to the hand (for link).  Same goes for right clicking, I can rarely get it to work.   I have to right click all over, and hope the menu pops up.   Also, the menu items are being repeated over and over.  I’ll send you a screen shot.


  3. Alan,

    I’m sorry to hear your having problems with the plugin on XP. I’m going to test it further on XP tomorrow but I haven’t seen the issues you report on my test machine (VMWare). It would be great if you could send screenshots and/or screencams or the issue. Thanks.



  4. I am visiting a customer this week, talking about what you can do with Notes 8, Composite Apps and that sort of thing.

    TwitNotes wil definately be a part of the demo. Like Andy says above – you very nicely demonstrate a number of Notes 8 features in one packet.



  5. On Ubunto. When I get to the point where I press Import location, I get a box for selecting files. In that box I can paste the URL and then click OK, but it looks like it ignores the url I put in there.

    It’s like it only wants to accept something that is on the file system.

    Hasn anyone got TwitNotes working in a Linux distribution?

    Any hints?


  6. I got the installation working in the way you suggested.

    TwitNotes has some UI draw problems on Ubuntu. Don’t worry about them until we have 8.5 though. Ubuntu is not yet a supported OS for Notes 8.

    And it really is my problem, not yours 🙂


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